Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

  • Yesterday a paying customer has been physically assaulted and literally with dragged by force of his United Airlines flight. The video has been recorded by several passengers. And it is shocking enough itself. The worst part was yet to come.

  • For every writer, there are days where you don’t feel like writing. But the greatest skill of an author is persistence. That’s what I learned in the first pages of “On Writing Well”. You need to write a certain amount of words every day. You need to force yourself to write your words. I found a great tiny program – for Mac and Windows – which will force you to do so.

  • Artificial Intelligence? That’s evil might be your first thought. Artificial intelligence has been demonized by many Hollywood movies. From evil robots which are going to destroy humanity and surveillance states who will collect everything about their citizens.

  • No doubt about it, Medium is the best blogging platform that ever existed. On top of that, Medium has the best community of writers and readers. So why not choosing Medium as your primary blogging platform?

  • The society slowly understands what experts have predicted since the early 2010th. Automation and robots will replace many jobs. The public sees the automation as an evil thing. The citizens of the United States seem to blame immigrants for the slow loss of jobs. The people here in Germany finally understood that it is the automation which is taking away our jobs.

  • Presenting, public speaking, participating in discussions, and stating one’s own opinion is harder for some people than for others. I never had a problem to present my ideas in front of an audience. Public speaking has never been a problem for me. Many other people are desperately afraid to do all these things. While they might have a strong opinion about something they are not able to express it. They are tremendously intelligent but they cannot present their amazing ideas to team members, work associates, their boss or professor.

  • Recent weeks have been a struggle for my sleeping rhythm. Not that long ago I was of the opinion that you have to sleep less to get more done. While I was simply very dissatisfied with my results I listened to a sleep researcher who gave a TED talk. I simply tried to sleep 7,5 to 8 hours each night.

  • Please note that the whole text only applies to students and educations systems where the education is completely free; in this example Germany.

    Germany is a country where students enjoy free education. It is true, public education in Germany is completely free. There is a small fee of around 300€ per semester for students but this fee allows them to use public transport for free. According to Eurostat (educ_uoe_fine09) Germany is spending each year around 15.000€ per student on education. If students study on average four years, it costs the state on average 60.000€ per student. This is a great gift from the state which should not come without any commitments.

  • What is the time? Yesterday I read an article by a time scientist. Until yesterday I did not even know that you can become a time, scientists. Well, the real reason why I read the article is that the headline said: “Being on time is completely unnecessary”. Am I looking for excuses for being late? No, I simply like the approach of questioning our current concept of time, clocks, minutes, and seconds.

  • Two days ago I received several calls during the day. My phone was on mute for a few hours while I was attending a course in university. Usually, I try to call back every call but two days ago I thought: “If it was important they would’ve left a voice mail”. Yes, you are right, they didn’t leave a voice mail. So I forgot about calling these numbers back.
