Learning Languages at the Hotel Check-In

Hotel Bed

Last three weeks I was traveling through France. France is well-known for being a country which is very proud of their own beautiful language “French”. Indeed France even has a quota which regulates that radio stations need to play at least 35% of French music. With having this in your mind you can now imagine that it’s pretty hard to check into a French hotel without speaking that much French.

The first hotels I and my girlfriend checked into were more or less pretty cooperative – as soon as they realized that we have a German accent they often switched to English. But this didn’t teach us any French at all. Then there were some hotels that didn’t speak English at all. We had to communicate in French. This is, of course, a little bit challenging but it’s fun and you learn a lot. Then we arrived at the Qualys Hôtel Restaurant Le Mas de Grille and the way the amazing woman at their front desk checked us in was unique: bilingual.

As soon as she realized that we are from Germany and that our French is still pretty limited she asked how we would like to do the check-in: in French, English. And as I proposed to do it bilingual she thought it was a great idea so she started to explain everything in English and in French.

It worked like this:

“Bon après-midi et bienvenue à notre hôtel.” after a short break she repeated the same sentence but in English: “Good Afternoon and welcome to our hotel.”

“Avez-vous une réservation?” “Do you have you a reservation?”

“Ceci est votre carte de chambre. Le mot de passe pour le wifi est écrit sur votre facture.” “This is your room card. The password for the wifi is written on your invoice. “

I hope you can imagine how this conversation went. We definitely had a lot of fun and we learned a lot during our check-in.

International Hotel Check-Ins

Why is not every hotel allowing guests to check in like this? I would personally love to learn a little bit of French, Spanish, Greek, Thai, Russian, (…) while checking into my hotel room. I think it would be a great customer service and a big reason why guests will a) give you a higher rating and b) will never forget your hotel.

Would you personally like to check into your next hotel like this? Tell me more in the comment section below!

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