Instagram Story Advertising: Take Your Chance

Watch Out for Instagram Story Advertisement

Instagram published some astonishing numbers today. 150 Million Instagrammers use the Story feature daily, which is close to the latest number Snapchat has published. But this is not the only thing Instagram announced today. From now on it is running a pilot campaign with selected brands which will advertise on Instagram Stories. Instagram states that around 30 brands are participating in this program Airbnb and ASOS being two of them.

Huge Advertising Chance

While Instagram is starting the advertisement feature with a limited group of clients, it said that it will “roll out globally” in the coming weeks. If you have an audience on Instagram already you should definitely use this chance and be the first who uses this advertisement channel.

Four Reasons why you should experiment with Instagram Story Ads as soon they are available to every business:

  1. 1. Instagram’s Stories are a very personal and emotional space for advertising. When done right you will be able to build a great and emotional brand relationship with your customers.
  2. Advertisements in Instagram Stories will become one of the most effective advertising and marketing channels ever. Customers will have a direct way to reply to your ad with a simple swipe
  3. You will be ahead of your competition. Be the first who is targeting customers in Instagram Stories and you will win.
  4. My read is that the Ads on Instagram Stories will be extremely underpriced for those who try it out first. The same was true for Facebook and all Snapchat Filters.

Don’t Sleep and think about how to attack!

When Instagram Stories will become available to all businesses in a few months make sure that you have a clear strategy which is ready to go. If you simply share boring photos or videos you will see no extraordinary results. If you want to create a brand relationship with your customers create extraordinary content which stands out of all Instagram stories. Make your Instagram Story ads so good that nobody will want to skip it. Don’t spam your audience with pointless videos but create a strategy to reach them emotionally. Make your audience your friend and follower.

What is your opinion on Instagram Story advertising? I personally would rate it as one of the hottest social media marketing tools for 2017 so far. Don’t sleep and try it out for a few dollars.

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