The Mac Dictionary is Great

Dictionary on MacOS

Yes, the Mac has an onboard dictionary and it is awesome. The bad thing: I am using my Mac for more than 2,5 years and I discovered just yesterday how awesome and super fast the inbuilt dictionary works.
I am writing a lot on my Mac. Often in two or even three languages: English, Germany, French. There are times when I even look up some Russian words.

So far I always used online dictionaries such as,, and I always switched between windows and screens to look up words or to find synonyms. I was delighted when I discovered the app iTranslate which made looking up words already a lot easier. Well, only until yesterday.

I know that the Mac has an inbuilt dictionary. What I didn’t know was that you can download third party dictionaries such which are perfectly integrated into MacOS. is the best German – English dictionary. You can download the Mac package here:

Save Time

By using a shortcut on Mac I can lookup words literally within a second. It saves me an enormous amount of time. I want to share this for you so that you can try it out as well! I recommend the Apple Dictionary to everyone.
By the way, it also works with Wikipedia!

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