My new Learning Method to Learn Russian and French

Last year I implemented some great habits into my life. Today I can say that every day I am going for a morning run, write a blog article, create a vlog, read around 90 minutes, and many more. So just a few days ago I decided to add a new habit. I decided to finally become fluent in Russian and French.

How I Learn Russian

First of all, I need to admit that I am learning Russian and French not from 0 to 100. I already learned the basics of both languages in school. Ask me today and I would rate my language skills in both languages as follows:

French: Understanding (6/10) Speaking (3/10)
Russian: Understanding (3/10) Speaking (3/10)

Occasionally I speak some Russian with my girlfriend Viktoria and a few friends. I experienced that listening to natives is the best way to learn a language – if followed up by learning some vocabulary and reading some text.

My current circumstances show that I have more Russian friends than I have French ones. So the decision to focus on Russian first was an easy one. Now I thought about different ways how I could improve my language skills. Attending some classes, online courses, videos, books. In the end, I came up with the idea to copy every day a short abstract of an interesting online article. I go to some Russian news pages like and I will look for an interesting topic and simply start reading and then copying the text. When I copied about one DIN A4 page I start looking up all vocabulary I don’t know yet and I write them down into a vocabulary book. Just before I go to bed I will have a second place at the approximately 20 vocabularies and then I go to bed.

I don’t know yet how efficient this learning method will be but I will make sure to keep you up to date on my learning progress.
One thing is sure: within the next 5 years, I want to be completely fluent in Russian and French. After that, I will add a 5th or even 6th language. Maybe Spanish, Arabic, or Chinese?
I love languages and I love to interact with different cultures!

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