Better Call Everyone Back!

Two days ago I received several calls during the day. My phone was on mute for a few hours while I was attending a course in university. Usually, I try to call back every call but two days ago I thought: “If it was important they would’ve left a voice mail”. Yes, you are right, they didn’t leave a voice mail. So I forgot about calling these numbers back.

Today I opened my Skype. I subscribed for a landline number at Skype and usually, all calls are automatically redirected to my mobile phone or to Skype’s voicemail. I recognized that there was the same number which called my mobile phone yesterday also tried to reach me on my landline. What a big surprise. While this person didn’t leave a voicemail, she tried to call me several times.

Of course, I called the number immediately back. As it turned out it
totally was a potential prospect I wrote a message voicemail days ago. Luckily I called this number back.

So it doesn’t matter which number is calling you and whether someone leaves a voicemail or not, call them back. Seriously, you never know who is behind this number. It might be a spammy call-center but it might also be a future client of yours. Well, ignore calls if you are 100% sure that it’s a spammy call-center. Don’t let your mood decide whether to make this call-back or not.

Bonus Story: She wrote me an email as well…

Here comes a short bonus story: this prospect also sent me an email after she failed to reach me via phone. The sad story: 4 days ago we switched with our company email accounts from Google Suite back to Outlook. Whtotallyforgot was to add the Email to everyone’s Outlook. The email address which is publicly on our homepage, on XING, and on LinkedIn. Ouch! Whatever, now it works just fine and I learned my lesson.

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