Why It is necessary to stick to one Sleeping Rhythm

Sleep Pattern

Recent weeks have been a struggle for my sleeping rhythm. Not that long ago I was of the opinion that you have to sleep less to get more done. While I was simply very dissatisfied with my results I listened to a sleep researcher who gave a TED talk. I simply tried to sleep 7,5 to 8 hours each night.

What sounded like a complete waste of time ended up being one of the best decisions ever. During these weeks I didn’t even need a coffee. I was awake, concentrated, and highly productive when I enjoyed 7,5 or even 8 hours of sleep.

However, the recent days have been a real struggle to my sleeping rhythm. I worked a little bit longer into the night, while I had to wake up earlier. Last night I barely had 6,5 hours of sleep. As a bonus, we switched our clocks to daylight saving time on Sunday. I hate daylight saving time as much as I hate jet lags. They are completely unnecessary. As a result, I woke up pretty early lately, especially for my inner clock which is still running on standard time. The last 3 days were the most unproductive days of this year.

However, I don’t want to complain or find excuses here. It’s already 22:48 PM it’s time to go to bed to catch my 7 hours of sleep tonight.

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