No Coffee for 45-Days

Good morning alltogether,

Last week, I decided to quit drinking coffee for 45-days. I decided to do so, as I realized that — for a couple of weeks — I drank at least one espresso or cup of coffee a day.

I already experimented with “not drinking coffee” in the past. When I did not drink any coffee, I had better sleep, and I actually slept less as a result. I felt more relaxed, and my focus improved.

In my last experiment, I realized that we often drink coffee out of habit. We wake up and prepare a coffee. We arrive at the office, we drink a coffee. We have a meeting, we drink a coffee. And so on.

Caffeine — however — is a drug which we should consume and dose wisely. If you drink a lot of coffee today, and you join my challenge and stop drinking coffee for a few days, you’ll immediately experience heavy withdrawal syndromes such as a heavy headache.

Last time, I decided that I don’t want to quit drinking coffee entirely, but rather drink coffee much more consciously. To do so, I set up two rules:

  1. Coffee only in Companionship: Instead of drinking coffee alone by myself (like a drug addict), I decided that I will drink coffee only when I’m drinking it with another person. For example, having a coffee-business-meeting or enjoying a coffee date with my fiancée in an excellent Italian coffee shop.
  2. 3/7 Rule: Only drink coffee on three days a week. Let’s be honest, if you go to the office or attend several business meeting every day, it’s easy to drink 2-5 cups of coffee daily while drinking it socially. That’s why I decided it might be a great limit to drink coffee only on 3 days out of 7. This way, your body cannot become addicted and used to the caffeine.

Somehow, I failed my own rules. That’s why I decided it’s time for a reset. No coffee for 45-days! Why 45-days? In the first 15-days, you’ll experience withdrawal syndromes. This will make you question you “coffee habit” and you’ll realize: “fuck, I’m a drug addict”. Thirty more days allow you to live and thrive without coffee. To experience all the positive effects of not having too much caffeine, how it is affecting your focus, sleep, workouts, and mood. After 45-days, you will either quit drinking coffee entirely or drink it much more consciously!

I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going. Will you join me?

Have a great start into this powerful new week!

Greetings from Kaarst, Germany with some sun and some clouds 20 °C (69 °F)
Marius Schober

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