Getting Started in Longevity: Resource Collection

This is a constantly updated overview of the best resources you may find useful for learning and studying human longevity.

Ultimate Longevity Resource Collection


I created a Twitter list with > 50 scientists, influencers, investors, and organizations on Twitter, which are involved in human longevity, click here to see and follow the entire and always up-to-date list.


Blog NameDescription
Peter Attia“nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (how long you live), while simultaneously improving healthspan (the quality of your life)”????
Josh Miteldorf Aging MattersDeep dive into longevity and aging scientific breathroughs by renowed scientist Dr. Josh Miteldorf????
Longevity Advice“informational resource for people who […] are not scientists but who still want to know what science can tell them about extending their healthy lives”
longevity blog by Nick EngererLongevity Blog simplifies complex topics to help you build a personalised and affordable approach to wellness.
It’s part uncensored biohacking journey, part deep dive into understanding how you can leverage the latest advances in longevity tech.”
FIGHTING AGING!“Fight Aging! publishes material intended to publicize, educate, and raise awareness of progress in longevity science, as well as the potential offered by future research”
News and blog articles on “multiple technologies that contribute to the reduction of morbidity and the extension of lifespan”, including: “Agetech, xeno, biomarkers, AI, bioprinting, neuroceuticals, GRAS supplements”


All the above-mentioned blogs also offer a newsletter which you can subscribe to. In addition, there are some newsletters worth mentioning:

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the drivePeter Attia“deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity, and all that goes into that from physical to cognitive to emotional health”????
FoundMyFitnessDr. Rhonda Patrick“Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology.”????
Rejuvenation Roundup PodcastRyan O’Shea“Host Ryan O’Shea of the Future Grind podcast takes you on a dive into a month’s worth of scientific insights and new breakthroughs.”
SuperAgeDavid Stewart“SuperAge uncovers the secrets to wellness, health, fitness, style, and relationships, unbound by age, place, or culture”
Live Long and Master AgingPeter Bowes“Peter Bowes interviews world-renowned scientists, future thinkers and biohackers, all of whom have a common goal of figuring out how we can live longer and healthier. We also talk to inspiring individuals who have already mastered the aging process.”
NEXT|HEALTH ForefrontDr. Darshan Shah“discussing the latest groundbreaking topics in health optimization, longevity science and wellness technology”
Translating AgingBioAge Labs“we talk with the worldwide community of researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors who are moving longevity science from the lab to the clinic.”
The Simple BioTech Podcast
James Ruhle“Interviews with the researchers, founders, and investors of the BioTech industry. An insiders look into what is going on in the world of BioTech, from curing aging to psychedelic therapy, we interview the game changers of the industry.”
The Biohacking Secrets ShowAnthony DiClementi“Each episode reveals incredible new methods for improving body composition, energy production, cognitive function, athletic performance, and health span.”
Living Beyond 120Dr. Jeggrey R. Gladden, Mark Young” latest scientific research, technology and bio-hacks to uncover the truth about the human body’s potential for extending both life and health span”

Single Podcast Episodes

Dan Buettner on The Rich Roll Podcast: Episodes 139, 323, 504

David Sinclair on The Joe Rogan Experience: Episodes 1234, 1349, 1670

David Sinclair on The Rich Roll Podcast: Episodes 436, 498

Aubrey de Grey on The Joe Rogan Experience: Episodes 638, 1432

Aubrey de Grey on Impact Theory: June 3rd 2021 “How to WIN the fight Against AGING”

Dr. Keith Baar on HVMN: “mTor Signaling & Cell Growth”

Valter Longo on The Rich Roll Podcast, Episode 367: “Fasting For Longevity”

EXPONENTIAL WISDOM by Peter Diamandis and Dan Sullivan: Episodes 66, 76, 91, 92, 93, 103, 105, 108

Peter Attia on The Joe Rogan Experience, Episode 1108

Peter Attia on The Tim Ferris Show: Episodes 50, 352, 398, 517

David Sinclair on the Lex Fridman Podcast Episode 189: “Extending the Human Lifespand Beyond 100 Years”


Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have ToDavid A. Sinclair, PhD2019
The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, LongerDr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Dr. Elissa Epel2017
Age Later: Health Span, Life Span, and the New Science of LongevityNir Barzilai, M.D.2020
Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting OldAndrew Steele2021
The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize WeightValter Longo, Ph.D2018
The Blue Zones, Second Edition: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the LongestDan Buettner2012
Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our LifetimeAubrey de Grey2007
Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever Ray Kurzweil2009
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse DiseaseMichael Greger2015

If you look for more books to read, look at this goodreads shelve on “Longevity Books”.

Other Resource Collections

Next to this, there are other great collections of resources, some with a slight different focus.

AgingBiotech.info“concise, structured information about the aging/longevity field, particularly info about aging companies.”
Longevity Market Cap Newsletter by Nathan Cheng“list of longevity science and industry resources to get you started”
longevity blog by Nick Engerer“provide you with the best, most comprehensive list of longevity related content and information on the internet”
Textbooks, Courses, and Resources on Aging by u/Humes-Bread“TL;DR: Here’s a list of resources for those interested in diving into something like a college education on longevity.”


Longevity List offers a database of jobs, investors, and companies in the longevity industry, you can search the database here.

Companies & Investors

You can find many investors who are engaged in funding longevity technology on Longevity List.

Longevity List also put together a large database of companies and investors, which you can access here. has an overview of biotech companies involved in longevity — some publicly traded, some not.


In addition, you might find these AMAs (= ask me anything) on longevity helpful:

This resource collection is being constantly updated. If you have anything you’d like me to add to this comprehensive list, please comment or reach out to me via email or Twitter.

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