Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Transitioning to 2024

We are already 15 days into 2024. I feel it is time to reflect not so much on the past year, but on a chapter of my life that is coming to an end. A formative decade of self-exploration, learning, and experimentation.

I traveled the world. Met and married the love of my life. I started my first business. I started meditating. I graduated from college. I accepted my first job. I rebelled against the crowd. Wrote my first book. I started dozens of business ideas. Failed at dozens of business ideas. I moved to a foreign country. I discovered myself spiritually. I took part in my first Ayahuasca ceremony. I became a father. I turned 30 years old.

Late last year, I felt that this beautiful and exploratory chapter of my life was coming to an end. While 2023 was one of the best years of my life, it was my least financially successful year. I worked hard and put everything into acquiring a business—which ultimately failed.

Good? Bad? Who knows!

Life gave me a new lesson. A new perspective. And told me that change is necessary.

So on the last day of November, I pulled the trigger. We gave our landlord notice that we would be moving out by the end of December. I wasn’t sure where we were going yet, but deep down I felt that change was necessary.

While we were living our dream life in Tenerife, an island many people dream of retiring to, I felt an indescribable intuition and urge to step up my game, to surround myself with ambitious people, to create and build things.

For me, 2024 is not just a new year. It is a new chapter in my life. I now know my strengths, I know my weaknesses, I know who I am, I know where I want to go, I know what kind of life I want to live and create for myself and my family.

Now is the time to focus. To sit down, work, build and create.

I am ready.

Let’s go!

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