Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

“Researched Climate Models”

So-called “researched climate models” are nothing more than digital crystal balls, fed by human arrogance and mere morsels of data. These models are as “researched” as the deep ocean – we’ve barely scratched the surface.

The climate system is a labyrinth of countless variables and feedback loops:

  1. Solar cycles and variations in solar output
  2. Earth’s orbital changes (Milkankovitch cycles)
  3. Galactic cosmic rays influencing cloud formation
  4. Plate tectonics altering ocean currents and atmospheric circulation
  5. Volcanic activity injecting aerosols and gases
  6. Geomagnetic field fluctuations affecting atmospheric protection
  7. Deep ocean currents and heat distribution
  8. Ocean acidification
  9. Sea ice dynamics and albedo effects
  10. Greenhouse cas concentrations (CO₂, methane, water vapor)
  11. Aerosole distributions from natural and anthropogenic sources
  12. Ozone layer variations
  13. Forest cover changes affecting carbon sinks
  14. Soil microbiome dynamics influencing greenhouse gas emissions
  15. Phytoplankton populations and ocean sequestration
  16. Permafrost thawing releasing stored greenhouse gases
  17. Ice sheet stability and sea level changes
  18. Glacial retreat altering local climates
  19. Human greenhouse gas emissions from industry and agriculture
  20. Land use changes affecting albedo and local climates
  21. Geoengineering attempts (e.g. cloud seeding, stratospheric aerosol injection, etc.)
  22. Potential quantum influences on chemical reactions in the atmosphere
  23. Quantum entanglement in biological systems
  24. Schumann resonances and their potential climate impacts
  25. Ionospheric changes affecting atmospheric electricity
  26. Meteor impacts and dust influx
  27. Potential dark matter interactions with Earth’s core

The climate system is a multi-dimensional, multi-scale phenomenon where microscopic quantum effects may cascade into global changes and cosmic events can trigger earthly responses. Our current models, focused primarily on greenhouse gases and simple feedback loops, are akin to trying to predict the outcome of a symphony by looking only at the trombone section.

The sheer number of variables and their non-linear interactions make accurate long-term prediction an impossible task.

MAYBE quantum computing and superintelligent AI might someday crack the climate code. But today’s models? They’re monuments to our stupendous arrogance. We’re using abacuses to calculate infinity, patting ourselves on the back for our “accuracy.” It’s not just misguided—it’s dangerously delusional.

Our current understanding is but a drop in the ocean of what there is to know. Instead of boasting about “researched climate models,” we should humbly speak of “preliminary climate hypotheses.”

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