The last two days I visited the Intergastra Messe in Stuttgart. I was engaged in many conversations and the main topic was the innovation and digitalization of the hotel industry. One of the most striking persons I met at the exhibition was Rolf Schlecht, the CEO of Fritz Schlecht SHL, a full-service company specialized in everything from planning and interior design to furniture and installation. He was very curious and asked me the question: “What do you think? How will the future of the hotel room look like?”
(more…)Author: Marius Schober
The Hotel Room of the Future
7 min read
How To Delete All Contacts Without Phone Number
3 min read
If you use an Android phone and you have hundreds or thousands of contacts in your contact list, but a majority of them are saved in your contacts without phone number – and now you want to get rid of them, then this is the correct instruction for you.
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Be All You Can Be
5 min read
I believe that our world would be a more exciting and more ethical place if everyone would strive to fulfill their own potential.
This blog post is a transcription of an ice breaker speech I gave at my Toastmasters club in Düsseldorf. I thought you might enjoy reading it.
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1+1+1 = How To Create a Winning Business
4 min read
In business, there are many industries. No matter the industry, small businesses are somehow behaving in a similar pattern – this results in an opportunity to grow your small business into a winning champion.
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Never Offer Bad Coffee
2 min read
With counting appointments in many companies, coworking spaces, hotels, and law firms there is one thing which is always present but rarely equally good. I am talking about coffee.
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The Familiarization Phase of Augmented Reality
4 min read
Today, smartphone manufacturers like Apple and Samsung are struggling to come up with new innovative smartphones. Each year there is a phone with a slightly improved performance, slightly improved camera, and tiny software and design adoptions. However, phones and screens are the main portals of how we consume media and communicate with other people. Screens, as we know them, might soon become obsolete.
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Let International Students Study for Free
5 min read
When it comes to education, what sets apart most European countries to Anglo-Saxon countries – especially the United States of America – are tuition fees. While students in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Belgium, and counting can study at minimal or no costs, students in the United States, Canada, and Australia do easily pay more than $4,000 just for tuition fees.
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Independence Money
4 min read
Let’s talk about independence. For some, it is passive income which exceeds their monthly expenses. Others believe it is traveling the world with a backpack or living on a self-sufficient farm far from civilization.
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Do You Really Need It?
2 min read
It is a powerful question which will save you a lot of time, headaches, unneeded expenses, and inefficiency. Stop for a moment if you convinced yourself that you absolutely need something, need someone, or need some time.
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Don’t let Gatekeepers Harm Business Progress
2 min read
The day of an executive is limited and gatekeepers exist to filter out all the bullshit which comes in. However, can gatekeepers counterproductive for a business? How can leaders properly train their outer office staff to avoid the rejection of interesting and profitable partnerships, products, and opportunities?