Author: Marius Schober

  • Stick with your deepest values and you will be happy

    Around a week ago I visited Amsterdam with my girlfriend. Okay, it was not Amsterdam but a smaller city nearby. We stayed in a hotel and when we entered the room we found 100€. What would you do?

  • You are watching a movie or you are in a bar and you don’t know the name of a song? Just ‘Shazam It!’. Shazam is very likely an app you already know. It is a very helpful app which listens for a few seconds to an unknown song and it will then give you the song name. I used it multiple times to find out the title of a song. In bars, cafés, clubs, in movies, youtube videos, and much more. Everywhere you hear a song you don’t know but want to know you use Shazam.

  • Just recently I wrote how Tim Cook, who is the CEO of Apple Inc., praised augmented reality technology. He said: “I think AR is that big, it’s huge.”
    In an interview, he publicly expressed his love to the new upcoming technology of AR. The question is whether he only loves the technology or if he also focusses on AR within Apple Inc.

  • Yesterday I met with Abdul, my co-founder at Advimu. He showed me the progress of his current research and development in the area of augmented reality and brain-computer interface.

  • How Augmented Reality will shift the Internet from Screens to Reality

    The internet partly became our reality. It does not really matter where you go or where you look: restaurants, cafés, nightclubs, concerts, business meetings, or classrooms. Everywhere you look you will see people with a smartphone in their hand.

  • Today, while freelancing for Oculus Rift I met a disabled guy. He was an awesome, super smart, and happy guy. Oculus Rift is a little side job for me where I give for a few hours a week for some product demos to interested people. However, today I saw this guy in a wheelchair and he had an exciting view onto the VR glasses. You really saw his eyes shining while having a sad facial expression. His look expressed a fascination for the Oculus Rift and sadness because of he though he is not able to test it.

  • In the last days, a few news have been published which make augmented reality technology seems to be in a very far future.

  • Today I came up with a strange comparison. Having a training partner in the gym and having a business partner in a company. I thought about it for a while and I came to the conclusion that in the end, it’s both the same.

  • Last Saturday I read the article “You’re Fired” which was published in the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. Steven Hill the author of the article is of the opinion that we should forbid certain technologies.

  • Why you should self-host your Blog

    I love to blog and I do it daily. Blogging is a great way to write about things I am interested in and exciting things that happen to me. I published my first blog post on Medium on July 12th, 2015. And since some day in December, I am blogging daily here on my own blog
