Germany and the Collapse of the Eurozone
Germany’s economy is collapsing at an unprecedented rate. Investors have yet to wake up to this alarming reality – once they do, it could well mean a mass exodus of capital from the Eurozone. This situation poses a serious threat to the stability of the euro…
Solutions > Problems
Instead of laws, regulations, and protests we should focus on a Manhattan Project for making fusion reactors, 100% efficient solar panels, and a next generation of batteries a reality. The smartest people of our world should be working towards solutions, not discussing problems.
How To Minimize Phone Use
Most people struggle with their phone use. The main reason for this is the habits we’ve developed over many years of using social media, messaging, and news apps on our phones. 99% of the time we reach for our phone and unlock it out of habit.…
Hotels as Social Hotspots
As our world becomes more high-tech and AI-powered, our natural desire to connect with others will become even more intense. We’re wired to be social animals, always looking for social bonds and moments to share. Our human nature craves that connection. As the typical office (for…
Pay Attention to Who Shouts the Loudest
There are many values, qualities, and virtues that we look up to. Most of us try to live ethical and morally correct lives. In business, we try to build a great culture where everyone feels welcome and challenged. We all try to be kind, compassionate, and…
Abundance or Chaos?
The future will be drastic. Either we will see abundance or we might find ourselves in total chaos. On the one hand, we see technological advancement such as artificial intelligence which in and of itself will lead to further exponential technological advancements. For example, researchers closest…
Nothing Beats Personal
Tomorrow I’ll be flying to Munich for three meetings. I’ll be meeting a partner of me, the seller of a very exciting business, and a potential business partner. In theory, all of this could be done through a video call. In reality not so much. While…
Progress Through Consciousness
For at least two decades, we have not seen any real progress. Not in science, not in business, not in our real world. In order to unlock the secrets that lie beyond Einstein’s theory, delve into the mysteries of UFOs, explore the feasibility of space travel,…
Caution With Rapamycin
In the quest for longevity, Rapamycin has emerged as a potential contender. Originally developed as an organ transplant drug, this intriguing compound has captured the attention of researchers and biohackers alike. As the debate around its promise unfolds, questions about risk, benefit, and uncertainty take center…
My Local Farmer
My local organic farmer serves as a wonderful reminder that one does not need immense wealth to find joy and happiness. He’s living a fulfilled life. His wife shared with me that he spends most of the day in the garden while on Wednesdays and Saturdays,…