Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Category: Posts

  • With counting appointments in many companies, coworking spaces, hotels, and law firms there is one thing which is always present but rarely equally good. I am talking about coffee.

  • Today, smartphone manufacturers like Apple and Samsung are struggling to come up with new innovative smartphones. Each year there is a phone with a slightly improved performance, slightly improved camera, and tiny software and design adoptions. However, phones and screens are the main portals of how we consume media and communicate with other people. Screens, as we know them, might soon become obsolete.

  • When it comes to education, what sets apart most European countries to Anglo-Saxon countries – especially the United States of America – are tuition fees. While students in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Belgium, and counting can study at minimal or no costs, students in the United States, Canada, and Australia do easily pay more than $4,000 just for tuition fees.

  • Let’s talk about independence. For some, it is passive income which exceeds their monthly expenses. Others believe it is traveling the world with a backpack or living on a self-sufficient farm far from civilization.

  • It is a powerful question which will save you a lot of time, headaches, unneeded expenses, and inefficiency. Stop for a moment if you convinced yourself that you absolutely need something, need someone, or need some time.

  • The day of an executive is limited and gatekeepers exist to filter out all the bullshit which comes in. However, can gatekeepers counterproductive for a business? How can leaders properly train their outer office staff to avoid the rejection of interesting and profitable partnerships, products, and opportunities?

  • For me, the hardest thing about being productive are the first 15-minutes of starting. If I successfully worked for around 15-minutes at a given task, I will usually stay focused until the task is done. What helps me to get started during the first 15-minutes is music or sounds. In this short article, I will explain how I use music and sounds to trigger a focussed state of mind which is a requirement for deep work.

  • Money is a bad thing. Earning more than $75,000 a year does not make you happier. Rich people are evil. Money is not everything. Have you heard any of these statements before? I have heard it all – from my mother, teachers, professors, and lately many of my age joined this thinking.

    However, let’s elaborate why money is neither bad but the most important factor for actually changing the world.

  • Your 9-to-5 working hours originates from 19th century socialism as a way to protect factory workers from working over 100 hours a week. At that time, there was no maximum of working hours and employers demanded of workers to work more than 100 hours in hard labor factory jobs. This – by the way – included children work as well.

  • The total global advertising spending is forecasted to rise to $563 billion in 2019. It is such a big market that even the entire valuations of companies like Google and Facebook are based mainly on their core advertising business. How will this industry change in the upcoming years?
