Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Category: Posts

  • We live in an age where the word innovation is used as often as hello or goodbye. It does not matter where you are or what you do. Everyone is talking about innovation. Everything is innovative. But nothing ever changes.

  • One way you might have realized that supposedly artificial intelligence entered your life are these strange text suggestions in Gmail, Facebook or LinkedIn. I’m talking about the tiny text bubbles which are suggesting you short replies for your conversation or email.

  • In our Western democracies, what are the largest obstacles we face in our political system? Obstacles countries like China e.g. don’t face. The largest issue we see in our Western political systems is a result of short election periods.

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  • Everyday we encounter things, small things. And I propose we generously underestimate the importance of those small things. We encounter those small things in our daily life: while commuting, at work, or at a dinner date at night. And here comes the big surprise: usually the small things are what actually make the moment great, the experience unique, and your life great.

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  • The popularity of coworking spaces is rising steadily. New shared office spaces are opening regularly and there is no doubt anymore, that the future of work will look different than today.

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  • There are times in your life when you must act on your self-set principles, or you will perish in your self-made meaninglessness. In the next paragraphs, you will learn why I think that taking some time for yourself (something I call me-time) and regular positive affirmations of your goals and your principles are essential guideposts in our lives.

  • “Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers.”

    This quote is taken from Seth Godin’s book “The Dip” gave me the chills when I read it. The question Seth Godin answers in his book is: what makes some few organizations, teams, and individuals so successful while others vanish in mediocrity?

  • In a digital era, it seems to be a matter of course that news is free. Thousands of free email newsletters, the newsfeeds of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accustomed us to free and instantly available news sources. Over many years people were able to access the web articles of nearly every major news publication for free, and it became a habit for people.

  • Books are the number one source of knowledge. There are millions of self-help books and other non-fiction books. How to judge which book can really help you in your path forward? There are certainly a few classics which are simply a must-read; from Siddartha to Think and Grow Rich.

  • There are three options on the table for every person who wakes up and wants to enjoy a healthy and productive day. An important decision you should make is when and how you work out.
