Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Category: Posts

  • You learned one or more languages some time ago? It doesn’t matter whether you learned this language while being abroad or while you attended a language class in school. There is an easy and free way to refresh and revive your language skills of basically any language.

  • Facebook: Evil or Great?

    Today, a Facebook friend posted that he is going to delete Facebook. There are certainly pros and cons when it comes to the use of Facebook. However, when you pay close attention to how you use Facebook it is the most powerful communication tool in the world.

  • Relying on one Cloud Storage is Dangerous

    Imagine you are organizing your whole life – private and business – in the cloud. Whether you use Dropbox, G-Drive, OneDrive, Amazon Drive, or, you have a problem if you rely on one single cloud storage service.

  • In Germany, there is a very good saying which says: Einmal ist keinmal. It is translated into English with once won’t hurt. But in my opinion, the German saying is expressing the same thing differently. A literal translation would be: Once is not once – but well, it sounds pretty strange in English and in the end the idea is the same.

    However, I found out that this saying is completely wrong. Whether you say einmal ist keinmal or once won’t hurt. It’s wrong. I learned that it is a very harmful excuse for people to skip a good habit for a day.

    Once Won’t Hurt is an Excuse for Losers

    So when do you actually use the saying once won’t hurt? I realized that we use this saying to get our own permission to do something stupid. In other words: by acting according to this saying we are looking for an excuse to break a bad habit or to do something we know is wrong or even harmful.

    In the last weeks, I acted like a loser. Now ask yourself why I acted like a loser. The answer is because I acted according to this harmful saying of once won’t hurt or einmal ist keinmal. Not once but even multiple times.

    There was a day where I absolutely didn’t feel like writing nor blogging. I said to myself: “Marius, einmal ist keinmal. Before you write a shitty story today wait until tomorrow and you’ll write something more qualitative”.
    Guess what I did the next day. Did I write a more qualitative blog post? No! I did not write a blog post at all! This small decision destroyed my habit of daily blogging (until today of course).

    Then I had the plan to wake up earlier to find some time for my morning routine. It worked out great until recently. There was one evening where I realized that to continue my morning routine I would not get my desired 7-8 hours of sleep but rather 5 hours. I said to myself: “Marius, once won’t hurt”. WRONG! Skipping my habit once DID HURT the development of my habit. This small saying which told me that once won’t hurt literally hurt me developing a habit of waking up early.

    In fact, I see many people which are acting according to this saying.
    – I am on a diet. Well, it’s one cheeseburger. Once won’t hurt. WRONG
    – I quit smoking but well, one cigarette. Once won’t hurt. WRONG
    – I want to learn for my university course every day. Except for today, once won’t hurt. WRONG

    In every scenario acting according to this saying hurts. The saying once won’t hurt is absolutely wrong – not because one cheeseburger or one cigarette is especially harmful – but because this attitude destroys your habit. I experienced it myself. If you skip it once, it is very likely that you will skip it another time and another time.

    Once will hurt. Don’t skip your habit. Stay with it.

  • To win in internet marketing you have to be great at analyzing and selecting your customer segments. You have to create and automize marketing campaigns. Then you need to test and optimize them.

  • The hidden dangers of VR and AR technology

    Many people feel lonely. They are desperately wanting an honest partner. They wish they would have friends with whom they could great moments.

  • Yesterday a paying customer has been physically assaulted and literally with dragged by force of his United Airlines flight. The video has been recorded by several passengers. And it is shocking enough itself. The worst part was yet to come.

  • For every writer, there are days where you don’t feel like writing. But the greatest skill of an author is persistence. That’s what I learned in the first pages of “On Writing Well”. You need to write a certain amount of words every day. You need to force yourself to write your words. I found a great tiny program – for Mac and Windows – which will force you to do so.

  • Artificial Intelligence? That’s evil might be your first thought. Artificial intelligence has been demonized by many Hollywood movies. From evil robots which are going to destroy humanity and surveillance states who will collect everything about their citizens.

  • No doubt about it, Medium is the best blogging platform that ever existed. On top of that, Medium has the best community of writers and readers. So why not choosing Medium as your primary blogging platform?
