Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Category: Posts

  • What Organisations can learn from Orchestras

    A business is probably not the first thing you would think about when hearing the word orchestra. But orchestras and businesses have more in common than you actually might think.

  • As I am writing this, I am listening to a completely boring and humorless presentation. The speaker has very good intentions. She has great knowledge about her topic. She knows many facts by hard and you have the feeling that she is actually good prepared for the presentation.

  • Innovation is a key driver for growth and it is the key to a united European Union. European countries are dominating the “Global Innovation Index” in 2016. Seven out of the top 10 are member states of the European Union, eight countries are European.

  • California has something Magical

    Today I want to write about a feeling I have since I visited California for the very first time. How can I describe this feeling? Well, for me it feels like California is a large magnet which is attracting me for several and for no reasons.

  • Donald Trump’s campaign was all about creating jobs and making America great again. We all heard it often enough. He wants to create jobs by fixing a system which is broken since a long time.

  • The knowledge of the world is compromised in millions of books. You have the chance to read books written by the best entrepreneurs, researchers, and spiritualists of the world. You can read and learn from the best of the best.

  • Don’t overestimate what your opponent really knows

    We oftentimes overestimate the knowledge of others while underestimating our own skills knowledge. I don’t write this because I have read a study about it but I write it because I experienced it by myself.

  • Dictionary on MacOS

    Yes, the Mac has an onboard dictionary and it is awesome. The bad thing: I am using my Mac for more than 2,5 years and I discovered just yesterday how awesome and super fast the inbuilt dictionary works.
    I am writing a lot on my Mac. Often in two or even three languages: English, Germany, French. There are times when I even look up some Russian words.

  • Watch Out for Instagram Story Advertisement

    Instagram published some astonishing numbers today. 150 Million Instagrammers use the Story feature daily, which is close to the latest number Snapchat has published. But this is not the only thing Instagram announced today. From now on it is running a pilot campaign with selected brands which will advertise on Instagram Stories. Instagram states that around 30 brands are participating in this program Airbnb and ASOS being two of them.

  • Industries to be Disrupted by Blockchain

    Blockchain is the underlying technology of Bitcoin. The introduction of Bitcoin and thus the birth of the blockchain radiated joy and excitement all over the financial industry. This excitement is not only limited to the financial sector. While Bitcoin is an electronic payment system and meanwhile also electronic investment assets there are other blockchain applications and use cases which are likely to disrupt several industries within the next years.
