Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Category: Posts

  • Photo: Apple Inc. 

    Yesterday was the Apple Keynote Event – the world’s best-known press conference where Apple is announcing yearly their new products and software. Apple announced a new Apple Watch, which now is swim proof, and a new shiny iPhone 7 which was presented as the world’s best smartphone ever. Whether or not the new iPhone 7 is the world’s best smart phone or not Apple professionally talked around its most important new feature: the improved and most advanced security of Apple’s new operating system iOS 10.

  • Last three weeks I was traveling through France. France is well-known for being a country which is very proud of their own beautiful language “French”. Indeed France even has a quota which regulates that radio stations need to play at least 35% of French music. With having this in your mind you can now imagine that it’s pretty hard to check into a French hotel without speaking that much French.

  • Startups fail and startups succeed. Today everybody knows that there are more startups who fail than there are startups who succeed. Oftentimes you hear your parents and friends quoting studies who seem to prove that failing founders would have been better of by having stayed in the workforce those last two years instead of driving a company against the wall.

  • Just look at the items and even groceries around yourself. Most of them are shipped over a large distance just to get to you. It is not only about the products we consume daily but it is also about ourselves. We are usually located in areas where we have our job. Often we live in cities as we find most of the jobs here. The location of a warehouse is usually dependent on the infrastructure nearby. How far does the product need to travel to get to the customer?

    We see infrastructure hubs in every country in the world. This is also the place where most local or international companies locate their headquarters. Companies try to keep the distance between products and customers as low as possible. This is true for businesses as well as it is true for private persons like you and me. People want to have a supermarket nearby. We want to get a spare part for our house or car at a local store we don’t want to travel 100 kilometers for it. The higher the density in cities the less it costs to move raw materials, finished goods and labor.

    But would we still live where we live today if we can work from wherever we would like? If we could get all our products we want and need without living nearby a city? Would current business models still make any sense if people could work from anywhere?

    The Change Already Began

    We see huge investments in technologies which are going to lower the cost of distance in the future. Those technologies include robotics, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, delivery drones, and even low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites. Major companies dedicate a lot of their R&D investments into autonomous cars and trucks. The price of shipping products and moving people will become cheaper if necessary at all.

    The Way we see Distance will Change

    The economy of Western countries is mainly service based. Upcoming technological changes will even shift more in this direction. But nevertheless, we are still living in dense cities although this would not be necessary anymore. Over the next 10 to 20 years we will probably see a change in how we chose our home. Will you live in the city center or in a rural town nearby? People who prefer rural areas but who do not like to commute daily will choose the city in favor of rural villages. Will this choice still be necessary for our future?

    Low-Earth-orbit satellites will bring us high-speed internet connectivity to every place in the world. Drones will deliver us daily needed products cheaper and faster. Autonomous cars will make the commute to the city center as pleasantly as sitting at your desk or in your living room while avoiding traffic jams. Companies will see no real reason anymore to settle in a city center in favor of a rural village. The cost of distance is minimized and the internet connectivity is equally good. Employment options, as well as goods and services, will become as available in rural areas as the former were in big cities only.

    3D Printing

    Advances in 3D printing will make small-scale production in shops profitable. It will not be necessary to produce items on a huge scale in huge factories (oftentimes in foreign countries). The final production of your next smartphone could take place in your living room. Spare parts for your car could be printed in a 3D print shop in your neighborhood.

    Don’t Ignore This Change

    All those changes will, of course, bring with them a change in our own lifestyles. Millions of people will lose their jobs for example truck drivers and taxi drivers. Companies who have warehouses located in infrastructure hubs will soon see a drop in their equity value. To ensure future business success and to ensure to go ahead as a leader managers need to think about those upcoming changes now.

    Have a look at alternative production technologies like 3D printing. Look at how you could use delivery drones for your product deliveries. How could you use autonomous trucks to make your fleet efficient? Look for a future location of your headquarter. Outsource some of your labor to freelancers or allow your employees to work from home.

    Companies will be able to afford production on a small scale, high-speed internet connectivity will become available to everyone, and the cost of transport for both, individuals and companies, will fall sharply.

    New Business Models

    New business models and new services will emerge from technologies like 3D printing, autonomous driving, and drone delivery.
    Cloud-based work collaboration will become common as the high-speed internet will be available nearly everywhere in the world.

    3D Printing will kill warehouses and complex logistic operations

    3D printing will enable new business models. We will be able to print the final product at home or at in a small printing shop nearby. Right now it is necessary for businesses to have large warehouses for their inventory. 3D printing will allow companies to print products, parts, and complex items on the site and the need for large warehouses will be gone. 3D printing is already on its way to being an alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. 3D printing will approximately take off during the next decade.

    UPS already offers 3D printing services in the US. UPS is looking forward to soon serve more than 100 3D printing stations. Today inventors, entrepreneurs, and small business owners can print their prototypes in selected UPS shops.
    3D printing shops will be all around our neighborhoods soon. The final product will not be shipped all around the globe through different warehouses with trucks, ships, and planes. We will be able to simply visit our nearby 3D print shop and pick up our printed product. This will even make the production of single products profitable

    The Internet through Fiber Cables and LEO Satellites

    In most big cities high-speed internet connections are already available thanks to fiber cables. But most rural areas where fiber cables are not available will soon have high-speed internet by LEO satellites. Iridium, Google, SpaceX, Virgin, and WorldVu are companies who already develop LEO satellites to bring super high-speed internet to every centimeter of the world. It is estimated that the first commercial LEO satellites will launch by the end this decade.
    The super fast internet is not only necessary to work remotely for cloud-based companies but also essential for autonomous driving

    Autonomous Driving and Drones

    Ultra-fast internet will become available by the end of this decade. Driverless cars and trucks need this connectivity for real-time communication. Driving assistance like Tesla’s autopilot is already available today. Fully autonomous driving will emerge when the necessary super fast internet connectivity will become available. Autonomous vehicles will not only make our daily commutes a lot simpler but they will also play a crucial role in the autonomous delivery of goods and services. Cars will go shopping for you. Cars will drive your children to school. Cars will pick you up when you are drunken.
    The combination of driverless vehicles and drones will make the delivery of everyday goods super fast. Delivery by drones is already today around 70% to 80% less expensive than a delivery by humans. Delivery drones are already developed by companies like DHL, UPS, and Amazon but the legal regulations still forbid the use of them.

    Would you still go to the mall or to grocery stores when everything you need will be delivered within minutes for free to your door? How much time will this save you? Post in the comments and I will join the discussion!

  • From Printing to Re-Editing Everything

    Yesterday I just wanted to print around 50 samples of a new personalized newspaper I was working on. Well, this five-minute job became, in the end, a five-hour task and my whole day was literally over. Good or Bad?

  • The Problem of Multiple Projects at Once

    Some of you may know the problem: You have million of ideas at once in your head and to be honest you would like to work on all of them. We always have ideas but what is an idea if you don’t work on it to become reality? But please don’t start working on all of your ideas at once this will only lead to bad results. Working on too many different projects will lead to a lack of focus. A lack of focus will lead to a lack of results. Without any results you will show no real progress – at least not as much progress as would otherwise be possible.

  • The Poké Hype

    The hype about Pokemon GO in the international press, in social networks, and in the word of mouth is slowly declining. We still see hundreds of Pokémon Go players hanging around in the Central Park in New York and other popular public places all around the world. Who ever thought that this kind of hype is possible?

  • The Wake-Up Run

    Right now it is roughly 2 or 3 months ago since I started a wake-up run habit every morning. I was tired nearly every morning and the first thing I did was to brew a coffee. I decided that this needs to end and since that day I am running every morning. I called this habit my wake-up run.
