Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

  • It is absolutely ridiculous that COVID-19 passports or vaccine certificates become more and more acceptable in our society. Currently, there are serious efforts to let those who have been vaccinated (and those who’ve been infected) re-enter life. Those who have not been vaccinated yet or those who have been infected asymptomatically are still waiting to regain their basic rights.

  • Denmark announced in March that it plans to limit the number of “non-Western” residents in neighborhoods to a maximum of 30%. The plan is to avoid the emergence of parallel societies and ghettos. This unexpectedly was a great opportunity for the sensational media to formulate attention grabbing headlines. However, in this article I want distance myself from attention grabbing headlines and talk about how quotas might actually establish a more equal and fair society – especially for immigrants.

  • Notes on a talk of Vinod Khosla, the founder of Sun Microsystems and the founder of Khosla Ventures, on the future of healthcare and moonshot thinking.

  • Special purpose acquisition companies or short SPACs have risen dramatically in popularity. CNBC calls them “one of Wall Street’s hottest trends” CNBC, 2021 But what is a SPAC, and what makes them so popular at all? Furthermore, how can we improve the IPO process due to the SPAC mania?

  • Yesterday I had a brief but rememberable conversation. I talked to a physical therapist who owns a small but interdisciplinary medical training center. The medical training center is offering physical therapy as the major health service. In Germany, the public health insurance is covering physical therapy. As a result, all patients of her physical therapy are accustomed to getting the health service without paying for it.

  • Health, technology, and the power of branding are topics I’m truly passionate about. And when it comes to health services, I’m one hundred percent certain that we can redefine what healthcare means. We are going to create a brand which makes health cool. And we will raise standards while striving for quality guarantees.

  • I couldn’t believe what I read this morning on LinkedIn. Somebody proposed, if you see an interesting sales prospect on LinkedIn, to not message him and ask for a demo or meeting but instead do the following (quote):

    “You have to warm her/him up first:

    1. go to her/his profile
    2. like and comment something witty
    3. one week break
    4. see 2.
    5. wait…!
    6. get him to answer one of your comments
    7. THEN the message comes with a situational speech.”

    Why would I do this? If you want to build a personal long-term relationship with this person, I get it. However, if your job requires you to sell, this is – in my opinion – the lamest excuse for not making a cold call ever.

  • Tackle it!

    No matter where you look, you’ll immediately see dozens of problems which should and must get solved. If you pay close attention you’ll see hundreds or thousands of problems and issues which should get solved. This is true if you look at an entire industry, a single organization, at politics, the environment or our society as a whole.

  • Take a look at our world. No matter where you look you’ll find thousands of things and problems which can and should be solved and improved. You might have a good heart and noble intentions but in order to effectively create change and improve things in this world, you must think and become big. Size matters.

  • Several days ago, I posted my latest blog article “Re-Invent Remote Events” on LinkedIn. The post got around 134 views – not a lot. But then a coincidence happened.
