Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

  • Is Artificial Intelligence the greatest threat to our human species ever? This is a question which is dividing many well-known figures in the tech industry. With this short post, I want to share my thoughts that maybe the smartest in the field of AI has a limited awareness of risk.

  • I felt overwhelmed during the last weeks. I was running a business, writing three exams, participating in a case competition, and preparing a few presentations. Last Friday I felt totally exhausted and I didn’t know what to work on or what to focus on. One thing was clear: I must have some time for myself in nature.

  • Since a few months, ICOs or Initial Coin Offerings are the hottest and most discussed topic in the area of investment and blockchain technology. An ICO is basically a crypto and blockchain based Initial Public Offering. You can refer to ICOs also as IPCOs – Initial Public Coin Offerings.

  • Why it is difficult to compare the German Mobile Payment Landscape with the U.S.

    The first time I came in contact and worked within the mobile payment industry in Germany was in spring 2014. Together with a friend of mine I freelanced and promoted a mobile payment application called kesh in Düsseldorf and the surroundings.

  • Artificial intelligence is usually used together with other big terms like big data. But besides handling and making sense of huge amounts of data what else is AI technology capable of when it comes to the workspace?

  • If you spent the last 6 months watching at Initial Public Offerings (IPO) only, you missed out a huge trend. More and more startup teams – who develop software for blockchain platforms – decide to raise capital through an initial coin offering (ICOs).

  • Artificial Intelligence is about to change the world. While smart assistants have already conquered our smartphones – they are about to conquer our workplace as well.

  • How bad are the consequences of smartphones? Every day we see the same scene, people staring at their smartphone everywhere and all the time. At home, in the restaurant, on the train, plane, school, at work, and basically everywhere. And we all know how unbelievable distracting and addicting smartphones are.

  • There’s a philosophical question I asked myself today. There are many people you truly love. You value them and you really like them. In return, they love you too. But somehow, there are some people you truly love but hate spending time with. They might be friends from school or work, parents, or relatives. There are probably also several reasons why you dislike spending time with them. They are dragging you down to their mentality. You both don’t agree on basic topics. Intellectually you cannot have a real conversation. They are only complaining about everything. Talking bad words about other people. Don’t support you on what you are doing. Whatever the reason might be. I asked myself whether it is worth to spend time with people you truly love – and with truly I mean truly truly – but who drag you mentally and intellectually down. What is your opinion?

  • My Thoughts on Praising Children, Students, and Employees

    Why praising the greatness or intelligence of your children, students, or employees might actually lower their chances for success.
