Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

  • Woke Up Late – A Mistake?

    Today I woke up late. With late I mean 8.30AM. My morning was totally unproductive, my noon as well. Right now I am sitting at my desk and I try to reflect what might have been the problem. One thing I just realized is that I woke up pretty late today. Might this be the reason for an unproductive morning? Maybe.

    In general, I have very good experiences with the habit of waking up early. I think that my days are more productive the earlier I get up and the more sports I do.

    Today I woke up late and I postponed my gym training until late in the evening. By breaking your morning routine your break your day.

  • Virtual reality is finally available to the mass market. The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR are already on the shelves of all consumer electronic stores. You are probably very fascinated if you have ever tried a VR headset. You can think of many different use cases: from gaming to education, a virtual doctor, 3D modeling and more. But there is also a very dark side of VR.

  • Last year I implemented some great habits into my life. Today I can say that every day I am going for a morning run, write a blog article, create a vlog, read around 90 minutes, and many more. So just a few days ago I decided to add a new habit. I decided to finally become fluent in Russian and French.

  • The Ultimate Smartphone and PC Killer

    Are you also disappointed by all recent product launches? The technical differences between $250 smartphones and $900 smartphones are only marginal. There are plenty of smartphones for less than $400 who have super fast octa-core processors, 6GB of RAM, fingerprint sensors, and high definition displays.

  • Augmented reality and virtual reality are close relatives but which technology will have the greater impact in the future? Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, states that he loves Augmented Reality because it gives us a possibility to improve what is happening in the present.

  • Today is a regular Sunday but I did something unusual for me: I took a day off. Usually, I spend 7 days a week on stuff including at least half of a Sunday. Today I didn’t. I rejected to set an alarm clock for less than 8 hours of sleep. So I woke up at 8:30 AM. It feels amazing to have 8 hours of sleep! Then I enjoyed a great breakfast, a good coffee, and some chit-chat with my girl. Right after lunch, I headed to the gym while video calling a friend who is currently in Australia. After a great gym session, I enjoyed a great walk outside while the sun was shining.

    In short: I didn’t sit down at the desk before 7 PM.

    Right now I feel great. I feel refreshed and I am ready for the upcoming week. This Sunday off feels like a very healthy choice for my body and I think it is a great thing some hustlers should try themselves as well. Quit your daily routine on a Sunday (or whichever day you want) and simply do everything differently. Calm down, go to the gym, read some books but don’t sit at your desk the whole day.

    The strange thing: I don’t even feel bad about achieving “nothing” but my body feels refreshed.

    Enough for today, have a great start into the next week!

  • Do you also frequently commute to your work or to some customers? Within the last two days, I used 6 days of commuting to finish an entire book. Here is how I did it.

    Since last year I need to commute to Oberhausen 3 times a week. Each drive takes me around 45 minutes one way. In total, this sums up to a driving time of 540 minutes or 9 hours of commuting. Within 6 days I spend 540 minutes in my car commuting between two cities. Instead of wasting the time by listening to music I use the time to listen to audiobooks.
    Your mind is working faster than we can speak or read so I usually set the audiobook on 1.4 speed.
    9 hours of driving times 1.4 equals an audio book of 12.6 hours.

    Within the last 6 days of commuting, I finished the audiobook of “Predictably Irrational” (My rating: 9/10) by Dan Ariely. This book has a playtime of 7,5 hours which leaves me with an additional 5,1 hours of listening time. After I finished listening to “Predictably Irrational” I started listening to another audio book and now I am half way through it.

    Just think about how much time you spend commuting and how much time you waste by simply listening to non-sense radio or music. Get an Audible subscription or buy audio books on iTunes or the Play Store.

    My last word on music: I don’t think that it is bad listening to music in the car. I think it’s great and I do it daily. I simply limit it to a few uplifting songs. I don’t listen to 2 hours of shitty pop music but instead, I listen to my favorite 3 songs and that’s it.

    What is your opinion on audiobooks and commuting? Leave a comment below and I will join the discussion!

  • Don’t put your Employees under General Suspicion and Stop supporting a hierarchy in Retail Businesses

    Have you ever been put under general suspicion? By putting employees under general suspicion you are creating a toxic working climate.

  • Virtual Reality in Education

    In the recent years, we went from 2D games like Tetris and Snake to virtual reality games. This immense advancement does not only reflect the gaming industry. You can find technological advancements everywhere except in the education sector. Now it is about time to use the latest promising technology of virtual reality to revolutionize education first and foremost.

  • Snapchat started as a social communication tool which focusses on visual communication. I still remember being one of the first 50.000 downloaders (Android) in 2012.
