Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

  • Entrepreneurs from the Silicon Valley are shaping our future. They are building bold new technologies. These technologies range from artificial intelligence, robotics, infinite computing, ubiquitous broadband networks, nano-materials, synthetic biology, to augmented- and virtual reality. These technologies will allow us to make more progress within the next 100 years than ever before in mankind.

  • We all know it from our days in school. There were days we had to study crazy facts about biology and chemistry. Every week we were forced to learn some hard French vocabulary. Our parents always told us to learn and revise all facts and vocabulary just before going to bed. And they were very right with this.

  • Touch Bar & Touch Screen, that’s it?

    The last two days were not that spectacular as I hoped they would be. Apple and Microsoft both introduced new hardware. Microsoft did a smart move by placing its product announcement exactly one day before Apple’s one.

  • As part of my acquisition process, I send around 50 cold emails to selected hotel managers. Of those 50 cold emails, I got roughly 2 interested responses. Well, that’s a response rate of 4% and I didn’t really like this number. So I tried out a different approach to raising the response rate to my cold emails.

  • Google has just introduced its new fact-checking feature which lets you check yourself if a news story is true or not – starting in the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • goo-gle | verb

    If you are reading this it is very likely that you are using Google as your main search engine. You don’t know the time zone of Indonesia? Google became literally a verb which describes searching something on the internet. Google is even in the official dictionary of Merriam-Webster:

  • Google released a few new products in the recent weeks: Google Duo, Google Allo, and Google Pixel, Google Home.

  • During the last three weeks, I experienced one of the most devastating working atmospheres an organization can have. I worked as a freelancer in fifteen different retail shops of a well-known brand in Germany.

  • Last week I was freelancing for a German shoe manufacturer and our team was traveling through east and south Germany. On the second day, my phone started an automatic updated at night.

  • Photo: Apple Inc. 

    Yesterday was the Apple Keynote Event – the world’s best-known press conference where Apple is announcing yearly their new products and software. Apple announced a new Apple Watch, which now is swim proof, and a new shiny iPhone 7 which was presented as the world’s best smartphone ever. Whether or not the new iPhone 7 is the world’s best smart phone or not Apple professionally talked around its most important new feature: the improved and most advanced security of Apple’s new operating system iOS 10.
