Articles and essays on entrepreneurship and innovation.
Die Zukunft Gestalten
Es war noch nie so einfach, ein Start-up zu gründen. Das Internet ist voll von guten Business-Ideen, -Methoden, -Strategien und sogar Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, welche zeigen, wie man ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen aufbaut. In sozialen Medien berichten viele Gründer, wie sie ihr Business aufgebaut haben, das ihnen nun sechs-…
How to Sell Your Small Business
Successfully selling a small business to an investor, group, or competitor in your industry requires preparation. Otherwise, your business will be less interesting to the potential buyer. Which means that you will struggle to find a buyer in the first place. If you do find a…
Don’t Judge What Your Customer Is Willing To Pay
Yesterday I had a brief but rememberable conversation. I talked to a physical therapist who owns a small but interdisciplinary medical training center. The medical training center is offering physical therapy as the major health service. In Germany, the public health insurance is covering physical therapy.…
Why I am founding Valenus as a Group
Health, technology, and the power of branding are topics I’m truly passionate about. And when it comes to health services, I’m one hundred percent certain that we can redefine what healthcare means. We are going to create a brand which makes health cool. And we will…
Tackle it!
No matter where you look, you’ll immediately see dozens of problems which should and must get solved. If you pay close attention you’ll see hundreds or thousands of problems and issues which should get solved. This is true if you look at an entire industry, a…
To Create Change, Size Matters
Take a look at our world. No matter where you look you’ll find thousands of things and problems which can and should be solved and improved. You might have a good heart and noble intentions but in order to effectively create change and improve things in…
Influencers and Mentors
In our lifetime, there are many people who are influencing our thinking and decision-making. I believe the most important thing we have to do in life is to choose appropriate role models, mentors, and influencers. These are the people you look up to. Ideally, you look…
Why Your Company Needs an ISP-Inbox
Every company has it. The info@example.com email address. It seems to be the standard inbox for companies around the world. Some companies are more creative than others. They have a hello@example.com or contact@example.com address instead. Which is creative but doesn’t solve an underlying problem.
Be All You Can Be
I believe that our world would be a more exciting and more ethical place if everyone would strive to fulfill their own potential. This blog post is a transcription of an ice breaker speech I gave at my Toastmasters club in Düsseldorf. I thought you might…
1+1+1 = How To Create a Winning Business
In business, there are many industries. No matter the industry, small businesses are somehow behaving in a similar pattern – this results in an opportunity to grow your small business into a winning champion.