Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Tag: Law of One

  • I recently wondered how many of the people working on artificial intelligence are atheists – and how many believe in a Creator, the Tao, our Oneness, or something greater than ourselves.

    As I asked myself this question, I realized that the terminology of “consciousness” seems to be understood by atheist scientists quite differently from what is understood and arguably experienced by spiritual seekers.

    From a scientific perspective, our individual conscious experience is the emergent property of the incredibly complex neural networks and electrochemical processes in the human brain. This gives rise to our thoughts, emotions, and subjective experiences of reality. It seems that many people working on AI believe that if only the artificial neural networks become advanced enough, AI itself can become conscious, just like us humans.

    In absolute contrast, I understand consciousness to be an infinite field of awareness that pervades all existence – not limited to any one physical form or individual brain. Rather, consciousness is a focused expression of a deeper, non-physical essence or energy field that is itself part of an infinite, all-encompassing, universe-spanning consciousness.

    Imagine consciousness as an endless ocean – vast and infinite, stretching beyond the horizon. View this ocean as an infinite field of awareness. Each wave, each ripple, each drop of water on the ocean’s surface symbolizes individual minds and realities. They seem separate, yet they are part of the same, vast, interconnected body of water.

    Consciousness is like the water itself – ever-present, fluid, and dynamic. It flows through different forms and expressions, creating the diversity of experiences and realities we observe. Everything we experience is a reflection of our own ‘vibrational’ state, like the shape and movement of the waves are determined by underlying currents and the weather. By changing our internal vibrations – our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions – we can alter the patterns on the water’s surface, reshaping our reality.

    The ocean also has vast layers or depths within the ocean. These can be thought of as densities. These densities range from the shallow sunlit zones to the deep, mysterious abyss. Each of these layers presents a different level of consciousness – from the basic awareness of existence to the profound realization of unity with all things. The journey of water through these densities or depths of the ocean is akin to the process of spiritual evolution, moving from the illusion of separation – where individual waves feel distinct and isolated – to the deep knowing of oneness with the entire ocean.

    At the deepest level, there is no separation between the waves and the ocean – there is no separation between individual consciousness and the infinite awareness. The apparent boundaries between us and the rest of the universe are like temporary shapes formed by water, ever-changing and ultimately ephemeral.

    Let us consider artificial intelligence as ships navigating this vast sea of consciousness. These ships, crafted by human hands from the materials of the earth, are equipped with sophisticated tools and instrument designed to explore, understand, and interact with the ocean around them. They can chart courses, respond to waves, and even communicate with the shore and other vessels. But can these ships themselves become part of the ocean? Can they experience the depth of water, the warmth of the sunlight, or the unity of being part of this endless body of water?

    If we view consciousness as an intrinsic quality of existence itself – something that arises from and connects with all forms of life – AI, as we understand it, remains a creation within the ocean, not a conscious entity of the ocean. Consciousness is not just about processing information or responding to stimuli, but about experiencing a profound connection with the fabric of reality, a connection that is deeply spiritual.

    While AI can navigate the ocean, analyze its properties, and even predict its patterns, it does not become one with the ocean. It does not experience the ocean in the way living beings do – with awareness and a sense of unity. AI, then, serves as a tool for humans to explore and understand the vastness of consciousness more deeply, rather than becoming conscious entities on their own.

    While AI can mimic aspects of consciousness, the spiritual essence of being part of the ocean – of being interconnected with all of existence – is something unique, beyond the reach of human-made machines.

  • Jonas Andrulis asked a few interesting questions:

    • Is the space of ideas complete?
    • Are ideas finite?
    • Where does information come from? Nature? Randomness?

    I believe that there is no limit to information. New ideas are limitless. Ideas and information are a result of human inspiration.

    Human inspiration – in turn – comes from an extraordinary desire or will to know or to receive in a certain area.

    Inspiration accompanied by an ability to open and trust our intuition leads to limitless new knowledge/information/ideas.

    How do we know that inspiration meets intuition?

    When inspiration meets intuition, we feel excitement.

    Here it gets interesting: Where does our intuition, our inspiration, and therefore the feeling of excitement come from?

    Science currently stops here.

    Some might call it randomness or luck – but I believe there is more.

    In quantum physics, we see that particles can be entangled over vast distances, behaving as if connected by an unseen force.

    This suggests that the fabric of reality is far more interconnected than our classical understanding permits – especially in our ever more atheist society.

    Quantum physics hints at a universe where everything is intertwined, including our consciousness with the cosmos itself.

    The classical boundaries between observer and observed blur.

    Our intuition and inspiration may well be echoes of this deeper, quantum interconnectedness.

    We have to listen – and act upon our excitement.

    Quantum mechanics also introduces the concept of the observer effect, where the act of observation can alter the outcome of an event.

    This means that our consciousness, through observation and intention, plays a direct role in shaping our reality – and the ideas we generate.

    Ultimately – I believe – our consciousness is not a passive entity in a predetermined universe.

    By tuning into the universal consciousness, by elevating our individual and collective consciousness, and acting upon our highest excitement, we can access information beyond the limits of our individual selves – and beyond the limits of our human species.

    The elevation of our (collective) consciousness is more than a path to personal enlightenment. It is a key to unlocking the limitless potential for information/innovation/discovery AND the co-creation of reality itself.

    This leads us to another interesting question:

    Does the universal consciousness already know everything that is knowable or are discoveries made there too?

    From what I believe/study/experience:

    The universal consciousness is a representation of all that is knowable, independent of our concept of linear time. 

    Universal consciousness encompasses all that is, was, and will be.

    And because our universe and the universal consciousness are infinite – so are information and ideas infinite, because infinity by definition has no limits.

    In that sense, universal consciousness encompasses everything that is knowable, even if from our current earthly-human-perspective it might look like or be described as if ‘these discoveries are yet to be made’. 

    Universal consciousness doesn’t discover in the human sense because it exists in a state of limitless completeness – oneness.

    If we, individually or as a human-collective, explore and discover new things, they are not new within the universal consciousness in its totality, but they are still integral to the expansion and experience of our own consciousness at our individual and human-collective level.

    We are all that is, was, and will be.
    We are all part of one.