Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Tag: Opinion

  • In 2013/14, Christian, a good friend and travel mate of mine, and I travelled and worked in Australia for a couple of months. We loved the country, we loved the nature, we loved the people, we loved the cities. When our stay came to an end, we filed our tax return. We had to choose whether we will or will not return to Australia for work purpose in the future. I crossed “No”. At that time, I did it to avoid further bureaucracy. I questioned my “cross” at that time, as I was pretty certain that I will return and one day move to Australia.

    Today, I’m asking myself: what went wrong in Australia? One of the (previously) most liberal countries became totalitarian. Citizens are stranded abroad, citizens are not allowed to leave the country (not even intrastate travel is allowed), not allowed to leave the house. South Australia is even working on an Orwellian app to monitor its citizens. 

    So totalitarian that I know, at that time I crossed the right answer: I’ll never return to Australia for work.

    However, I wish it were not like that. I hope that Australians will wake up and stand up against their completely totalitarian dictatorship. By doing so, you show me (and the world) that Australian people still stand for freedom and liberal values.

    Read more in this article worth reading:

  • It is absolutely ridiculous that COVID-19 passports or vaccine certificates become more and more acceptable in our society. Currently, there are serious efforts to let those who have been vaccinated (and those who’ve been infected) re-enter life. Those who have not been vaccinated yet or those who have been infected asymptomatically are still waiting to regain their basic rights.

  • We live in an age where the word innovation is used as often as hello or goodbye. It does not matter where you are or what you do. Everyone is talking about innovation. Everything is innovative. But nothing ever changes.

  • In a digital era, it seems to be a matter of course that news is free. Thousands of free email newsletters, the newsfeeds of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accustomed us to free and instantly available news sources. Over many years people were able to access the web articles of nearly every major news publication for free, and it became a habit for people.

  • My Thoughts on Praising Children, Students, and Employees

    Why praising the greatness or intelligence of your children, students, or employees might actually lower their chances for success.

  • Today, while freelancing for Oculus Rift I met a disabled guy. He was an awesome, super smart, and happy guy. Oculus Rift is a little side job for me where I give for a few hours a week for some product demos to interested people. However, today I saw this guy in a wheelchair and he had an exciting view onto the VR glasses. You really saw his eyes shining while having a sad facial expression. His look expressed a fascination for the Oculus Rift and sadness because of he though he is not able to test it.

  • Don’t Oversee Introverts

    Since a few days, I am working as a freelance brand ambassador for Oculus Rift. What I do is I offer people the possibility to experience the world of virtual reality for the first time.

  • The Education System Fails

    Everyone who is or who has ever been enrolled in degree programs knows that to pass an exam in a university you need to memorize facts. Every time exams are almost there students begin working through 300 ridiculous slides.
