Marius Schober

Embracing the Mysteries, Unveiling the Realities

Tag: Philosophy

  • ¿Qué queremos conseguir?

    A veces mucho,

    A veces menos.

    No importa si la ambición nos impulsa o la tranquilidad nos permite descansar.

    Ambas cosas son buenas, pero con moderación.

    La clave no es exclusivamente el descanso.

    Pero también para no trabajar sin descanso.

    La clave es el equilibrio.

  • There’s a philosophical question I asked myself today. There are many people you truly love. You value them and you really like them. In return, they love you too. But somehow, there are some people you truly love but hate spending time with. They might be friends from school or work, parents, or relatives. There are probably also several reasons why you dislike spending time with them. They are dragging you down to their mentality. You both don’t agree on basic topics. Intellectually you cannot have a real conversation. They are only complaining about everything. Talking bad words about other people. Don’t support you on what you are doing. Whatever the reason might be. I asked myself whether it is worth to spend time with people you truly love – and with truly I mean truly truly – but who drag you mentally and intellectually down. What is your opinion?

  • Some time ago I read about a Buddhist saying which says: “Good or bad, who knows?”. The notion behind this saying is that you should never condemn a situation which didn’t work out as planned. I want to explain the notion of this saying with a situation I experienced yesterday.

  • From Printing to Re-Editing Everything

    Yesterday I just wanted to print around 50 samples of a new personalized newspaper I was working on. Well, this five-minute job became, in the end, a five-hour task and my whole day was literally over. Good or Bad?
