Tag: Technology

  • Autos sind ein perfektes Beispiel dafür, wie unsere Welt stagniert. Abgesehen von kleineren Upgrades und Designänderungen sind die Autos im Jahr 2022 im Grunde die gleichen wie die Autos von 2012 und nur geringfügig besser als die Autos von 2002.

    Was ist der ECHTE Unterschied zwischen einem Auto von 2012 und 2022?

    Wahrscheinlich ist es ein größerer Bildschirm, den Sie mit Ihrem Smartphone koppeln können. Möglicherweise ist es uns auch gelungen, den Kraftstoffverbrauch um 15 % zu senken. Vielleicht hat das Auto jetzt eine Rückfahrkamera. Oder ein besseres Soundsystem.

    Alles in allem ist das Auto immer noch ein Auto. Es kann immer noch nicht selbst fahren, und es kann immer noch nicht fliegen.

    Seit über 10 Jahren werden selbstfahrende Autos versprochen und vorhergesagt. So versprach Sergey Brin 2012, dass wir bis 2017 selbstfahrende Autos fahren werden. Nun, im Jahr 2022 fahren wir immer noch unsere vollständig von Menschen gelenkten Autos.

    Die Wahrheit ist, dass wir technologisch stagnieren. Innovation wird heute von den Marketingabteilungen geschaffen. Was können wir tun, um wieder wirklich innovativ zu sein?

  • Cars are a perfect example of how our world is stagnating. Besides minor upgrades and design changes, cars in 2022 are basically the same as cars from 2012 and only slightly better than cars from 2002.

    What is the REAL difference between a car from 2012 and 2022?

    Most likely, it is a bigger screen which you can pair with your smartphone. Possibly, we also managed to reduce the fuel consumption by 15%. Perhaps the car has now a rearview camera. Or a better sound system.

    All in all, the car is still a car. It still can’t drive itself, and it still can’t fly.

    For over 10 years, people are promising and predicting self-driving cars. For example, in 2012 Sergey Brin promised we’ll be riding self-driving cars by 2017. Well, we are still driving our fully human steered cars in 2022.

    The truth is, we are technologically stagnating. Today, innovation is created by marketing departments. What can we do to really innovate again?

  • In diesem Moment, während ich diese Zeilen schreibe, steht ein Krankenwagen vor der Eingangstür unseres Hauses. Sie suchen nach dem Haus Nr. 129, können es aber nicht finden. Google Maps hilft nicht weiter, und es erforderte die Hilfe von mehreren Anwohnern und drei Telefonate, bis sie die richtige Route finden konnten.

    Dies zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, dass wir neue Möglichkeiten der Standortkommunikation nutzen. Eine dieser Möglichkeiten ist what3words. Mit what3words kann jeder Ort der Erde mit drei eindeutigen Wörtern lokalisiert werden. Anstelle von Straßennamen, Hausnummern und Postleitzahlen können wir drei Wörter verwenden, wie z. B. /explorer.chart.cheaply, um einander schneller und einfacher als je zuvor zu finden.

    Während für den Rettungsdienst eine App, die den Standort übermittelt, der erste Gedanke sein mag, kann für viele ältere Menschen das bloße Erinnern an „ihre“ drei Wörter in solchen Szenarien lebensrettend sein. Was hält uns von der Nutzung von what3words ab?

  • As I am writing this, an ambulance is standing in front of the door of our home. They are searching for house #129, but are unable to locate it. Google Maps does not help, and it needed the assistance of several locals and three phone calls until they were now able to find the direction.

    This just showed how important it is that we introduce new ways to communicate locations with each other. One of this is what3words. With what3words, every location on earth can be located with three unique words. Instead of street names, house numbers and zip codes, we can use three words, such as /explorer.chart.cheaply, to locate each other faster and easier than ever before.

    While for the ambulance, an app which transmits the geolocation might be the first thought, for many older people simply remembering “their” three words can save their lives in those scenarios. What is holding us back from using what3words?

  • We see so many problems around the globe. Experts are warning about massive inflation, we see forests burning. The ocean is full of plastic rubbish. The COVID-19 pandemic halted the world economy. The virus and the lockdown measures are costing millions of lives. What role does corruption play, and why is it our world’s most important problem? Which tools can be design to fight corruption once and for all?

  • Born in 1993, I grew up as a teenager using ICQ – the instant messaging service of AOL. With the rise of the smartphone it was WhatsApp which slowly replaced all desktop messaging services like ICQ, MSN, and Skype. With WhatsApp having over 2 Billion active users, I was definitely one of the early adopters of the messenger which once costed €0,99/year.

  • The last two days I visited the Intergastra Messe in Stuttgart. I was engaged in many conversations and the main topic was the innovation and digitalization of the hotel industry. One of the most striking persons I met at the exhibition was Rolf Schlecht, the CEO of Fritz Schlecht SHL, a full-service company specialized in everything from planning and interior design to furniture and installation. He was very curious and asked me the question: “What do you think? How will the future of the hotel room look like?”

  • One way you might have realized that supposedly artificial intelligence entered your life are these strange text suggestions in Gmail, Facebook or LinkedIn. I’m talking about the tiny text bubbles which are suggesting you short replies for your conversation or email.

  • Amazon, Zappos, Zalando, and many other B2C online shops set standards for convenience and customer service. You can order any item 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365 days a year with a single click.

  • A Trustworthiness Index

    Fake news was most likely one of the most heard and used terms in 2017. The term is used to describe untrustworthy or false reporting in the mainstream media. It is also used to explain the phenomena where Facebook users randomly share false Facebook headlines which were published, i.e. by an ultra-left or ultra-right Facebook page. Both channels are the reason why as many people as never before have been in contact with the actual fake news.
