The Cold Calling Guide for Startup Founders

A comprehensive guide to B2B cold calling that will help you as a startup founder get your first customers.
Many startup founders often believe that a good product sells itself, but this is a fallacy. As I see it, the most common cause of startup failure is actually inadequate sales, not a bad product.
I created “Your First Customers” for founders who are eager to learn how to use targeted cold calling to win their first B2B customers in the shortest possible time.
You get practical advice, such as how to test your product-market fit, find leads, and overcome objections. The focus of “Your First Customers” lies on the most important tricks, tips, and techniques which make you instantly an absolute expert on the phone or in person so that you really close any customer who should buy your product. It also gives you reasons and tips on why and how to build your personal brand to reach your full potential in sales.
It is currently available as a book in English and German and furthermore as a video course in German.
Your First Customers will show you:
- How to get every customer who should buy your product to buy.
- How to test your product-market fit with a lean-selling method.
- How to identify the right leads and decision makers.
- How to avoid common pitfalls and never say the wrong thing on the phone.
- How to identify buying thresholds and overcome objections.
- How to master trade show visits to win customers.
- How to use LinkedIn and cold call emails to complement your cold calling.
- How to build a personal brand to reach your full potential as a founder.
My Story
Looking back, I have been selling products for more than 10 years. At 18, I started my own business and worked for brands like Glaceau vitaminwater and ZICO coconut water (Coca-Cola), car2go (now Share Now), ECOVACS, Samsung, LIBRATONE, Oculus (Facebook) and many more.
At the age of 23, I founded my first B2B start-up, in which I – together with my co-founder – knocked on the door of every bar, café, and restaurant in Düsseldorf’s old town.
I quickly realized that to sell as convincingly over the phone as I do in person, I needed to expand my “sales arsenal.” So, with a lot of trial-and-error, I taught myself all the cold calling strategies I could possibly come across.
At 26, I joined a technology startup as its first employee, with the main task of selling technology to larger mid-sized companies to get their first customers. Over three years, I focused primarily on gaining ample leads through targeted cold calling as well as numerous trade shows.
Over the years, thanks to various courses, books, seminars and YouTube videos from top salespeople and sales trainers, I have developed my own cold calling method, which I share with you in “Your First Customer”.
You can read the book here – on the web – for free. If you prefer to read a Kindle or Print version, you can support me and get a copy from Amazon: USA, UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR, CA, IN, MX, AU
Your First Customer
The Cold Calling Guide for Startup Founders
- Introduction
- About Me
- How This Book is Structured
- 1. Product-Market-Fit & Lean Selling
- 2. The Sales Mindset
- 3. Preparation
- 4. Cold Calling
- Sample Cold Calling Script (only with a purchase)
- 5. Acquisition on Trade Fairs
- 6. The Cold Email
- 7. Customer Acquisition via LinkedIn
- 8. The Follow-Up
- 9. Personal Brand
- Conclusion
- Resources

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- Disclaimer
- Copyright © 2022 by Marius Schober. All rights reserved.
- No portion of this book – published on this website – may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
- This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, investment, accounting or other professional services. While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional when appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, personal, or other damages.